Monday, 25 November 2019 10:27

Curly D's Clean Beauty Trends One On One Interview

Natural beauty products are not always guaranteed to be clean beauty solutions. Curly D by Curly Davenport today announced clean beauty trends driving the cleaner prettier movement. A one on one exclusive interview with Curly D's co-founder CR

Cataunya Ransom on clean beauty health.

Define what clean beauty really is all about?

Clean beauty is very simplistic and also involves mindfulness creativity. Products made from the clean beauty concept should contain strictly non-toxic ingredients. Unlike greenwashing, clean beauty is much more transparent. Requiring ingredients sourced on moral principles and with safe beauty health benefits for the body and environment.

Express problems and concerns you see happening in the clean beauty industry?

Everyone is trying to jump on the clean beauty bandwagon right now. Kourtney Kardashian is lobbying for clean beauty, at the same time she is also a brand advocate for her family related beauty brands and numerous beauty products or partnerships, which she refuses to give details if all of her endorsements or products have been tested on clean beauty standards. It's just utterly ridiculous and extremely unacceptable.

What's the biggest misconception about clean beauty?

In comparison, clean beauty is not vegan or natural...all this can be confusing to even beauty industry experts.

It's important to note that, not all natural beauty products contain clean non-toxic ingredients. Natural products can be comprised of minerals, plants, and botanical extracts. It's very easy for beauty brands to put "natural" on the label and mislead consumers into thinking non-toxic ingredients are not being used when toxic ingredients are included in some natural products.

Cruelty-free and vegan are also not the same. The best resources we have in the clean beauty industry to clear up misconceptions is through education and testing. Most people are even unaware that vegan products can be tested on animals. This is because not all vegan beauty products are cruelty-free. Whereas, cruelty-free means absolutely no animal testing.

Consumers wanting to purchase clean beauty products should look for labels that contain paraben free, which means they are made without chemical compounds. Parabens, sadly are the most widely used preservatives in cosmetics and personal care products.

Read 3049 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 January 2020 16:34